Here's to 2018!

I'm never quite sure how we get here so fast, but here we are again, about to start another year! It seems to just keep flying by us with unstoppable force. 2017 was not at all what I thought it would be but in a lot of ways, I am so very thankful for that. 

1. I got my first big girl job! 

Freedom, health benefits, and more...more than I could have ever thought to ask for. This year brought me to my current position as a worship leader. A position that has continuously challenged me. One of the most significant lessons that 2017 brought me was that no matter how insufficient I feel for my job or life in general, God always provides and is continuously enough for the tasks that He places in front of me. When I am not enough, He is more than enough and has proved it to me time and time again this past year. 

2. I stopped nannying. 

I was sad to have to stop my part-time job of being a nanny to this guy. But this season was so sweet to me. There are many things you can learn from being around a 5 year old! Like how to just have fun and laugh at yourself even on the hard days. Being a nanny gave me just the smallest glimpse of what it would be like to be a mom, and as petrified as I still am at the idea, Noah taught me that it's so worth it. I will always be thankful for this small season! 

3.  I dated a nice guy. 

Before I continue, I should clarify that we aren't currently together. I just feel comfortable sharing this because it was a sweet season of being reminded that I'm worthy. I still appreciate him a lot and I'm thankful to have had someone like him come along and remind me what it feels like to be pursued the way he did. I can't say anything bad about this guy. It was just fun being reminded of what it's like to be completely myself, completely accepted and desired, and to laugh at a guys stories because he had some good ones. 

4. I got a dog! 

By far the best thing to happen this year was this little guy. Aslan is my pal and while he is still learning and growing, I love him so much. I know it's kind of a simple thing...maybe I feel that way because almost all of my friends are popping out babies haha, but being able to care for him and be his dog-mommy has been such a gift to me. We have so much fun! And while I know the popular season is when he's a puppy, I can't wait for this guy to grow! I like big dogs and I can already tell he's going to be the cuddliest dog! 

There were also some other cool things that happened....

My best friend got married! 

I read all of the Chronicles of Narnia...
something I've always wanted to do but never had time with school! 

I met Jason of my songwriting heroes...
And yes I realize it's blurry but I was so nervous to meet him! 

I also met Walker Hayes...I'm obsessed with this guy and his talent! 

I went to the beach! 

I said a temporary goodbye to Bahar and Matin...

And found out I'm going to be an aunt! 

My "word for the year" was Truth.
I am just so incredibly thankful that God used everything that happened this past year to show me how to walk in God's truth and proclaim God's truth for my life. It is such a powerful way to live. 

My prayer for this next year is that God takes me to even further heights and shows me even more of Himself as I continue to seek Him and His direction. A year of truth taught me how to detect when I'm living by the lies that Satan feeds us and gave me full confidence to combat those lies with God's truth. It is a sword I will continue to carry into the new year. 

It was quite a full year of changes and new beginnings. While I have no idea what is going to take place in 2018, I have full confidence that the Lord will guide my steps and continue to show me that He truly only has goodness and mercy for me all the days of my life! 

God's blessings for 2018! 

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